Absent Parents
Disintegrating childhood, On a refuse heap of shame, Convulsed emotions motionless, Suppressing angered pain; Alone in silent lonesomeness, A child in trust reneged, In devastated watchfulness At innocence betrayed. I tried to tell you Daddy To make you understand, The babysitter, Daddy, He had dirty hands. The meetings were important, The conference you chaired, And Mother sought her equals, Where equal rights were shared. But no one saw the terror When door shut out the night, "Oh Blessed God, Could no one see that children too have rights". I tried to tell you Daddy To make you understand, The babysitter, Daddy, He had dirty hands. "I know you loved me Daddy, The presents all were fine, But DAMN your precious presents! I needed more your time. The cancer seed fungating Corrodes away my soul, And secrets still unspoken Have turned my heart to stone". "You should have been there Daddy, You should have understood, The terrors of a childhood, That mars an adulthood".