The Hypochondriac and The Stoic
The hypocondriac met the stoic
And started to complain
About his heart and elbow
His liver, spleen and brain,
His kidneys wouldn't function
His bladder wouldn't drain,
He'd have to see the Doctor
To get something for his pain.
The stoic wouldn't bother
About anything at all,
The touch of indigestion
Was only something small,
He wouldn't trouble anyone
His symptoms to impart
So he took "a spoon of soda"
For "the wind around his heart."
The Doctor's grave dilema
That no one could explain
Was why the one would never come
And one could not refrain.
He heard with deep emotion
Of the stoic's sad demise
But saw the hypocondriac
Begin the realise
That here was something else again,
And so without restraint
Demanded further tablets
For another man's complaint.