The Visit
I heard that you were here.
I just dropped by
To say Hello when it is quiet.
I'll give you a blessing.
We will say a prayer together
We both knew as children.
There's plenty of Good Will there to help you.

It's funny,
I hadn't thought about that at all,
Yet that is who I am,
Suddenly back to vulnerability
Where tradition's best parts were processed,
Passed on, with reassurances.
You can go round the world in troubled thought
And reach the same conclusion,
Better stated,
Without ever leaving your own hearth,
A thought profound in the gossamer simple language
Reaching back beyond parents
Who long nurtured it unconscious of their art.

A silhouette paused across the exit door
And was gone,
But a thought lingered,
An unexpected visitation
With an imprimatur
That was lasting.
God Bye.